
Recent Updates:

Scholarship Dinner Dance 2023

2023 Scholarship Dinner Flyer


2023 Scholarship Contribution Form



Dear fellow members, friends of the Societa’ and supporters,

The Societa’s next General Membership meeting will be this Saturday September 16, 2023, at 12:30 P.M. at Villa Mosconi Restaurant 69 MacDougal Street, NY, NY 10012

Please text, call 201-481-1458 or email Sergio if you are attending so that we can give The Restaurant a head count by Tuesday September 12th.

We are getting close to the date that the Societa’ Val Trebbia and Val Nure is celebrating its 73 anniversary since its foundation in 1950 with our yearly annual awards dinner. The date is Sunday October 15, at Russo’s on The Bay in Queens, NY.

At the same time, we will also be celebrating our 54th annual scholarships awards ceremony.

Since 1971, when the Societa’ started the scholarship fund, we are proud to state that the society’ has awarded 534 scholarships to our members’ children going to college to further their education. This year we will be giving out another 8 scholarships to 8 wonderful students. What can we state that the founders of the scholarship fund, Frank and Paul, had a vision for our young Piacentini-Americani to get a college degree for a better future!.

We want to report that as of this year thanks to you and all of our past generous donors and supporters we have awarded over one million dollars’ worth of scholarships.

History has taught us many things, but most of all not to lose our Italian American and the Piacentino heritage that our grandparents and parents taught us while they were still with us. This organization will continue awarding scholarships and support education for our children with your continued monetary support and encouragement for many years to come.

For information concerning donations to our scholarship fund and our dinner dance event, please contact the following members.

Luigi Covati (718) 767-1599 lcovati@nyc.rr.com

Diego Segalini (917) 439 9517 segalini@gmail.com

Sergio Segalini (201) 481-1458 ssegalini@comcast.net

Fran Gallinari (914) 588-2677 frances.gallinari@gmail.com

Rita Draghi (917) 991-6399 riemaried@gmail.com

Enrico Bolletti (917) 207-4773 rico1228@aol.com

PS: You can email your ticket order or ticket inquiry to societa.val.trebbia.e.val.nure@gmail.com

Or order tickets online by paying with PayPal. (Specify the address you want them mailed to you and your phone number please)

September 2023 Newsletter

Dear fellow members and friends of the Societa’,

I hope that all of you and your families are enjoying your summer!

The Societa’s next General Membership meeting will be on Saturday September 16, 2023, at 12:30 P.M. at Villa Mosconi Restaurant 69 MacDougal Street, NY, NY 10012

Please text, call 201-481-1458 or email me if you are attending so that we can give The Restaurant a head count by Tuesday September 12. 

It’s our last meeting before our October 15th Scholarship and Awards Dinner, we expect a big turnout.

Tickets to our 54th Annual Scholarship Dinner Dance on Sunday October 15, 2023 – 12:30 PM at Russo’s on the Bay, Queens, NY will be available at the September 16th meeting.

You can also purchase tickets on our website soon and they will be mailed to you.

Adult Tickets are $130. Children 2-12 are $65. and children under 2 are free.

Journal Contracts will also be available at the meeting. Bring the artwork you’d like to accompany your ads.

Along with our newest Life Members and Merit Recipients, the following 2023 Scholarship Recipients will receive their Scholarships at the October 15th Dinner:

Joseph Michael Avignone,

Matthew John McNamara,

Anna Francesca Oliva,

Nicholas Maurizio Bruzzi,

Taylor Hope Guglielmetti,

Jolie Marie Avignone,

Mark Steven Theriault,

Catherine O’Connor

Congratulations and continued success to all the 2023 recipients and their families!

2023 Scholarship Journal Ad Contracts are available on our website.

A contract is attached for your convenience.

Your support of the Journal allows the Societa’ to continue its scholarship program. The deadline for submitting ads or donations is September 30, 2023.

You can also purchase ads, with or without artwork or donate on our website.

This is a wonderful opportunity for the families and friends of the scholarship recipients to honor your loved one’s academic achievements and support the program.

Thank you to our members and friends that already purchased ads or donated to our 2023 Journal and Scholarship Program!

If you are receiving this newsletter as a friend of the Societa’ and not yet a member, please consider joining our Societa’.

Membership Applications are available on our website and our dues are minimal, but our cause and camaraderie are great! (E Pluribus Unum).

A membership application is attached and available on our website.

See you on the 16th and don’t forget to RSVP if you’re attending.

Congratulations to our fellow members Alexandra Minicone Segalini and Antonio Segalini on the July 25th birth of their daughter Amanda Grace Kaimana Segalini.

Summer 2023 Newsletter

Dear fellow members and friends of the Societa’,

I hope that all of you and your families are safely enjoying your summer!

The Societa’s next membership meeting will be on Saturday September 9 or Saturday September 16, 2023. We will confirm the date in a future newsletter.

Hopefully many of you were able to join us for at least one of the many recent Societa’ Hosted Events including:

March 2023 Tortellini making class, June 18th Annual Father’s Day Picnic attended by more than 280 members and friends, the wine pairing event on June 29th and our monthly membership meetings at Villa Mosconi.

President Diego Segalini and some members are looking into putting together a cooking class at the Westchester Italian Center.

Photos of all our events are on our Facebook Page and our picnic was featured in an article in Piacenza’s Liberta’ Newspaper by journalist and friend of our Societa’ Nadia Plucani!

Our next large function will be our 54th Annual Scholarship Dinner Dance on Sunday October 15, 2023 – 12:30 PM at Russo’s on the Bay, Queens, NY. Tickets will be available soon and at our next meeting.

The following 2023 Scholarship Recipients will receive their Scholarships at the October 15th Dinner:

Joseph Michael Avignone,

Matthew John McNamara,

Anna Francesca Oliva,

Nicholas Maurizio Bruzzi,

Taylor Hope Guglielmetti,

Jolie Marie Avignone,

Mark Steven Theriault,

Catherine O’Connor

Congratulations and continued success to all of you and to your families!

2023 Journal ad contracts are available on our website. A contract is attached for your convenience. Your support of the Journal allows the Societa’ to continue its scholarship program.

Family and friends of the scholarship recipients, this is a wonderful opportunity for you to honor their academic achievements and support the program at the same time.

If any of you are in Piacenza this August 12th, try to make the 29th Annual Piacentino Benemerito Nel Mondo Ceremonies. Events take place in Bettola, Farini and Ferriere. See the Attached flier for more info.

Membership Director Enrico Boletti would like to remind you that if you have college aged children, the NIAF ‘National Italian American Foundation’ offers scholarships and all-expense paid trips to Italy for Students, and you can find more information and apply for 2024 programs on their website: https://www.niaf.org/programs/voyage-of-discovery/

If anyone is interested in seeing The Italian Immigrant Monument in Nogent Sur Marne France (Sister City of Bettola, Farini and Ferriere), the link is: https://www.cercle-leonardo-da-vinci.com/promesse-de-don

On behalf of all our members, I would like to thank Rita Draghi, Fran Gallinari, all the volunteers, those that helped with the children’s games and those who donated raffle prizes and food, making The Father’s Day Picnic a success. Thanks to all of you and to your families for letting you work for us instead of spending the day with them.

Congratulations to the Flory and Arrigoni families on our Board Member Marc Flory’s May 20th Wedding.

Congratulations to fellow member Salvatore Segalini and his wife Melissa on the July 6th birth of their son Leonardo Segalini.

Father’s Day Picnic 2023

Reminder about our fantastic Father’s Day Picnic. Monetary donations to help offset the cost of the Father’s Day Picnic raffle prizes and children’s games are gratefully appreciated either at the May Meeting or online.

2023 Father's Day Flyer

Upcoming Events:

February 1, 2025 [TBD] – Cooking Class **More Information Coming Soon**

February 22, 2025 [12:00PM] – General Membership Meeting (Villa Mosconi)

February 27, 2025 [6PM] – Wine Pairing Dinner with Cantina Valtidone (Villa Mosconi)

March 22, 2025 [12:00PM] – General Membership Meeting (Villa Mosconi)

April 12, 2025 [12:00PM] – General Membership Meeting (Villa Mosconi)

May 17, 2025 [12:00PM] – General Membership Meeting (Villa Mosconi)

June 15 22, 2025 [TBD] – Father’s Day Picnic (Kruckers Picnic Grove Pomona NY)

November 23, 2025 [TBD] – 56th Annual Scholarship Awards and Dinner Dance (Russo’s on the Bay

The Società Val Trebbia e Val Nure was established to celebrate the American immigrants originating from the Trebbia and Nure river valleys in the province of Piacenza, within the region of Emilia Romagna, Italy.

The objectives of our organization are to:

  • promote our glorious culture by spreading knowledge and understanding of our Piacentini heritage;
  • provide scholarships to students, based on merit to attend higher learning institutions;
  • raise funds for charitable purposes to aid in emigrant relief, and for other charitable organizations.

Thank you for visiting our website. Please complete the Contact-Us form to learn more about our organization or become a member.

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